Cross Streets

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Archive for the month “November, 2015”

Force, The Will To Use It And The Consequences That Come As A Result

We live in a nation that appears to have a powerful military, which for appropriate reasons, is called our armed forces. But we also live in a nation that doesn’t possess the will to use force. At least it’s unwilling to use it in any meaningful way against our enemies abroad. We don’t know yet if it will be unwilling to use it against its own citizens. But an opportunity to find out could be forthcoming.

Right now states are taking a stand against the federal government’s invitation of multitudes of middle eastern refugees into the homeland. And within the ranks of these immigrants, we can be certain that there are those who plan on wreaking Paris-like havoc. But if the states are going to follow through with their resistance to the federal government, force will be required. There really isn’t any way around that. Of course, this would create an armed standoff between the states and feds. And there the resolve of both sides would be tested. No one alive today has seen the bloodshed and horror that a war between the feds and a few states would cause. I’m confident that these governors will not be willing to go that far, and Obama is. I think the feds see this as nothing more than children rattling their plastic sabers.  And I’m in agreement with the feds on that.  We might as well face it, the “immigrants” are as good as here, and no one’s gonna stop it.

The way I see it, Obama is in a no-lose situation. He can do just as much damage to the nation with an uprising, or better yet a civil war, as he can with inviting in terrorists. If he seems smug and confident it’s because he has every reason to be. He is looking at the destruction of America, and it seems that there’s very little in his way.

And so the states will fold, if they haven’t already. Pay no attention to maps with some states shown in red. Look instead for the heart and resolve required to back up the color , if any be found. Just figure on Obama proceeding with America’s destruction, and whether he brings Islam’s war on the world to our homeland or he starts a civil war, I’m guessing it makes no difference to him. He’s got a year to do as much damage as he possibly can, and he’s doing all the right things to bring it about.

One of those methods of destruction is his stated intentions of disarming the American people. We will see if he’s more comfortable spilling the nation’s blood fighting his war on guns than he is with protecting Americans against those who would do them harm under the banner of “Allahu Akbar!”, because with such goals I’m confident he will be required to use force against his own people. We can be sure that not all Americans will be willing to pass peacefully into the darkness of despotism.

For now, our leaders are at once unwilling to use force against those who have declared war on us and willing that unarmed Americans die at concert halls, airports, marathons and stadiums. Their reasons for such positions I’ll have to leave for conjecture. I haven’t a clue. Perhaps accolades from fellow elitists of the globe for being grand old chaps? Or it could be that they’re just that blind, and connot see that the blood of those who fight for their God-given rights to protect themselves from thugs and tyrants is the same color as the blood of those who fight against radical Islamic thugs and tyrants.  Yet, in the end, we know that Americans are going to die because of buffoonery.


Where Will France, And The Rest Of Us In The West, Go From Here?

A friend named Susan asked me this question on FB in response to my statement “Secular Humanism is no match for Islam”:

“Nothing but Christ, and we who are parts of The Body of Christ, are. Do you think The Body is starting to wake-up, Danny?”

I took a little time answering her and thought that I would turn it into a post on this blog. Here is my much edited and revised, but still true to the original, answer:

I’m not sure if I’ve become more of a realist or a cynic in these matters Susan. Maybe both. My first inclination was to respond to this on FB with, “What? Did someone in France make a You Tube video insulting the prophet?” But I thought that too cynical and tasteless.

You said “Nothing but Christ”, but I’m afraid that western civilization has said “anything but Jesus”.  My thoughts last night kept coming back to jurisdiction. God has given governments the power of the sword for the purposes of order. The state, the Church, and the family all have their jurisdictions and places of authority in this order. The West has been bent on destroying two legs of that stool, thinking that it can function on one leg. In short, the state is attempting to become a god. But a representative democracy can’t do such a thing.

In answering that question we must begin with God’s law I think, because France has been institutionalizing the breaking of it for a long time, and last night Islam broke it, and in choosing lawlessness over God’s law and order, France, as well as the West as a whole, now finds itself spinning in confusion. When Solomon said “Without vision, the people perish, I think he was speaking of the ability to see God’s law. That’s why some versions translate this, without vision the people cast off restraint. Order requires not only that there be law according to a higher order, but that the people would generally restrain themselves according to that order. And unless the people, as well as the state, see themselves as accountable to a higher authority than the state, we will collapse into democracy, which is the tyranny of the majority.  Caesar, as it were, finds himself a subject of that tyranny and can no longer fulfill his God ordained role. From there the only logical step is into anarchy, and finally to despotism, as Caesar breaks free from the majority and brings back order with an iron fist. But order will ultimately prevail lest everyone starve to death. Islam can bring that order because it is willing to use the God ordained force that Western Civilization has abandoned. Ferguson and Baltimore highlight that unwillingness at home, but they are by no means exclusive. Our society I believe is in the process of spending the remaining moral capital left to it by its Christian heritage… and then chaos.

But don’t be confused about the majority. The majority of Franks, I’m going to assume, are not happy with their situation. But as socialist state dependents, they cannot but sell their votes to the highest bidder, who will use the power it purchases to create Eden after man’s own order, that order being summed up in two words is Secular Humanism.

But Secular Humanism functions like a captain on a ship at sea who draws all his bearings from the front of his boat.  His compass has no objective point from which to discern his position. His compass points ever to himself. So he looks to his environment for answers. And so even though he is being blown in one direction by the wind, he thinks he’s proceeding in qutie another, simply because that’s the direction his ship is pointing. He knows that something’s wrong, but he can’t make any sense of it.

I’m seeing already a deadly response with the mantra, “Terrorism has no religion”. This points to just how blind the West has become. And for some perspective, just imagine that a band of Christians, perhaps in protest over abortion, had carried out this evil. Is there anyone so far gone that they think “Terrorism has no religion” would be the knee jerk response? In my mind, the West is doomed.

So, Susan, to answer your question, do I think the Church will wake up? In one sense I think it’s impossible for the Church, with a capital “C”, to be asleep. But when I read Revelation 3, I realize that it can be wayward. And what I see in this time is God’s law having a sour taste in the Church’s mouth. The Church–in general, not every Christian–is not keeping God’s law, and by “keeping” I don’t mean obey perfectly, but rather keeping it safe and protected in its heart, and before its spiritual eyes. The Western Church doesn’t want to hear about God’s law, forgetting that without it grace is at best a meaningless word, but at worse a covering for falling short of man’s ideas of law, which finds its source in the dark heart of man. That’s Secular Humanism.

Look, God’s law restrains evil for the unbeliever through the state, orders the believer’s life, and points the world to its need for a savior. Remove law, and keep grace, and you have a wayward church, which will not and cannot fulfill its jurisdiction, which will lead to what we are witnessing. Will this event change that? I don’t think so. But it will winnow the Church, which is, I believe, much smaller than we are willing to imagine. And that winnowing might lead the wayward out of lukewarmness, give it a vision to see God’s law, and with that vision an ability to preach the Gospel, which is now, and always has been this world’s only answer and hope. That’s why I personally, even as of late, have put myself on a short leash to the Gospel. It is my desire to not venture far from it, as I attempt to make sense of the world around me. It is my compass. It is everything. And it is also my belief that until the Western Church turns it eyes back to the true Gospel, and all of its tenets, including God’s law, it will be wayward.

So France, I’m afraid, will ride off into the sunset on its suicidal path of Secular Humanism, and one by one Europe will follow, then the US, lest God intervene, which I am confident he will in some way do, but not for any nation’s sake, but rather for his Son’s Bride’s sake. But I confess my ignorance as to just how that will play itself out, only that my Hope is in Jesus.

My Predictions For The 2016 Presidential Election:

First a caveat. I don’t watch news, and the amount of AM radio I listen to is negligible; perhaps 30 minutes a month. So I make these predictions from feelings and intuition based on what I observe in real life, the blogosphere and social media.

It’s typical for someone like Trump to start out strong early. But he’s gotten all he’s gonna get, which isn’t enough.

Carson marks a departure for the norm this year. He’s probably the most unlikely candidate to remain as strong as he has, and, the media has tried to take him out and his poll numbers don’t seem to have suffered. Brain surgeons, I would think, are extremely intelligent. So he’s got that going for him. The question remains, will he be able to bring that intelligence to bear on the political world? I’m thinking that there’s a learning curve in the political arena, and he’s already shown a weakness that will be exploited later. So I don’t think he’ll make it.

Marco Rubio is the next one up. He has the political prowess and image that it takes to win. He’s also conservative enough to get his share of Trump’s and Carson’s votes when they drop out, and he’s liberal enough for the establishment types. He’s also got some “victim” status going for him, being hispanic. I think he’ll be the one to get the nomination.

Jeb Bush is carrying loads of baggage with his name. He’s lacking in Charisma and he’s too liberal. He will get almost none of the 50ish percent now held by Trump and Carson. Look for him to drop out after one of these two falter in the polls.

Ted Cruz, in my opinion, is a constitutionalist conservative. That’s great for America. But the American society is no longer made up of constitutionalist. That fact will doom Cruz. (My personal favorite) America is ripe for serfdom due to a century of progressive indoctrination in the schoolhouse, as well as the entertainment, music and news media. The aged Americans, those who still remember freedom, are dying off now, and are being replaced by leftist, irreligious and emotion based millennials who see the very thing that is destroying America as the only answer for saving it, big government. Cruz will get almost none of that generation’s votes. I do think it’ll get better for Cruz. He can get a hefty portion of Trump’s and Carson’s votes, but not enough. It will be interesting to see this play out. But even if Cruz wins the primary, I don’t think he will beat Hillary. We have to remember that Hillary is only a face and a name, much like Obama. They are not real in terms of “a person”. They are front men for a machine that grinds on slowly, eating up everything in its path. Hillary might could win the election even if she was convicted and sentenced to prison if the only other choice was a constitutionalist. And yes, I do think it’s that bad. I need only point to the last two elections for proof.

I like Carly Fiorina. She’s got spunk. But she’s got a little too much liberal baggage to win the primary, though I so would love to watch a race between her and Hillary play out before the nation. I think she could beat Hillary even if she (Clinton) doesn’t end up going to prison… which is a joke anyway because the machine would have to convict her, and it’s not going to convict one of its own; no way no how. I expect Rubio to get most of her support.

I love Jindal. I wish he was doing better. Cruz should pick up his smidgen if he (Jindal) doesn’t get some traction soon.

Kasich and Christie, if they’re conservative at all it’s only fiscally. They don’t have a chance. I expect Rubio to get all of their votes.

Huckabee is old news, a Fox News guy. He was done before he started. Rubio will get his support.

The Presidential Election

It’s tough to predict the Rubio vs. Clinton race. I’m not one to look to mid-term elections for comfort.The clueless only vote for their kings, and they will be coming out in droves next election. And there’s the fraud aspect to consider. But still, there are things going on that seem to be making the moderately liberal middle class uncomfortable. They don’t mind sending their children to school for a good liberal indoctrination, but they’re not ready to be forced to have their little girls sharing the shower with little boys. I think the libs overplayed their hands a little on that, and it matters. And with social media the liberal media can no longer hide such going’s on. The LGBT will need to wait for at least another generation of youth to grind through the machine in order to get that done. But we all know it’ll get done… eventually. And I don’t think the general population is ready to put everyone in jail who’s not willing to support the destruction of marriage. It’s a little early there too. There are lots of them who attend churches themselves, albeit many of which are all in for the zeitgeist, but not quite that all in just yet. So I predict Rubio will win, and will be our next president.

So there you have it, ,my prediction.  Rubio will spend four years turning the country leftward at a little less of a pace than Hillary would, or Obama has. His presence might help the economy which will help the debt issue some. There will be the first budget in… what? 8 years? But the debt will still grow because every faction that feeds at the federal trough has the means of making sure the taxpayer funded milk and honey keep flowing. Anyone who wants to stay in office will not touch the debt issue.

He will be destroyed of course by the media for a tenth of what Obama has done. He will not clean house in the cabinets leaving leftist hack bureaucrats in power to help make him look like an idiot for the media, and to otherwise continue the march toward serfdom. And he will probably appoint some more John Roberts Jr.’s to the Supreme Court, as a gift, witting or not, to the leftist’s real power.

Losing A Battle That Never Happened

I saw someone on Facebook post something about a red cup at Starbucks a few days ago. I looked at it and for the life of me didn’t see the issue. Then the posts came more frequent. Me: Oh my, it’s starting already, and now it’s getting absurd. Then I discovered that the whole things wasn’t even real. Though I don’t think it was necessarily orchestrated, it played itself out, and is still playing, as a battle in the “War on Christmas”. But it was the battle that never happened, that had no attackers and no defenders. As it turned out, it was just an opportunity. An opportunity for the media to mock Christians, which is the norm. Nothing new here folks.

Here’s a wonderful example of how this plays itself out before the world. It’s a video by the LGBT champion, Ellen Degeneres.

So, according to Ellen, Christians are all up in arms about a company that acknowledges itself as non-Christian, that introduced a red “holiday” cup. Here we see one side fighting both ends with the intention of making Christians look like idiots. Ellen’s obviously having a wonderful time yucking it up with her audience in her mocking of Christianity.

But there’s really bad news for Ellen, and for the rest of us. All have fallen short of the glory of God. In fact all are dead in their sins, following the course of this world and the prince of the power of the air. But worse, we are all under the wrath of God, doomed, condemned, and in dire spiritual straits.  But there is an answer. There is good news that is good news indeed. God, in his mercy, sent his son die in order to provide man an escape from his horrible circumstances. But to grasp that good news, he must grasp the bad news first, which is that he needs a savior. Ellen mocks Christians, and that’s OK. But in doing so she also mocks God. She sees no need for Christ because she measures her goodness against man’s standard. But man is fallen, his standard is flawed. And in the end she will give an account before her holy and righteous Creator, who will be measuring her by His standard, and there won’t be anyone laughing then. There will be only silence… and dread.

But as long as Ellen has breath, she may repent and be welcomed into the loving arms of her new brothers and sisters in this life, and into the arms of Jesus in the next. Now folks, that’s something to get excited about.

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